Saturday, 5 October 2013

Time To Surface

Any day now we will have to force ourselves to leave our little corner of Shropshire. We had thought about venturing out there before now, but haven't been able to prize ourselves away. Apart from the effortless and understated welcome we find here, there's the peace and beauty and our continued education concerning all things rural and farmy. We are like wide-eyed aliens here. And the acceptance, or tolerance works both ways, miraculously. What must the beef-farming family have made of us, arriving here for the first time four years ago, with our pet bunnies and our vegetarianism? Whatever they thought, we were entertained, accepted and fed veggie curry!

There's been a lot of rain this week. Perhaps we'll be stuck here. Hey ho.

Plus, the arrival of a new Springer pup might just be the cure for my cynophobia.